Giant Steps

Last Friday it was 23 degrees outside- hot enough for the sun-starved population of Northern Ireland to throw off their woolly jumpers and splash about in a paddling pool. I can't decide if I am thankful for the tiny blink of sunshine we got or very annoyed at the tantalising taste of summer that was so rudely snatched away,  for by Sunday the temperature had dropped back down to a bum-freezing 8 degrees and the only paddling that was going on was in the rapidly-filling puddles in our back gardens. All credit once more to Mr Rain who is never far from us (and not in a good way). 

Leo climbs on the
 Causeway rocks
Lesley at The Giant's Causeway
Anyway, somewhere in the middle of the crazy weather swings, we headed back up the coast to The Giant's Causeway. Saturday was sunny and  my sister, Lesley and brother-in-law, Darwin and their kids came too.  It has been more than 10 years since I was at the Giant's Causeway and it's a lot different from how I remember it. I vaguely recall a lonely gift shop sitting a bit forlornly on a cliff at the top of the Causeway. How could I have forgotten the very existance of The Causeway Hotel?  The cosy little pub called "The Nook" and even "The Smuggler's Inn"? There's also the beginnings of an impressive Visitor's Centre. And about time too - The Giant's Causeway is Northern Ireland's most impressive offering. If you want to know about the whole biology, geography, history and physics of it go to Otherwise it's just a good day out with the family.
The walk down to the rocks is pretty steep and that's all very well but the climb back up's a killer! However as Mark and the little ones, Leo and Charlie
Darwin's on the edge
Gina got a limpet
discovered there's a bus to bring you back up if you're lazy or little (don't forget your pound though). . Gina and Kathryn were thrilled when Uncle Darwin pulled limpets off the sides of the rockpools for them and they carried them round as though they were diamonds! (Gina has been obsessed with washing her hands ever since though!)
Rowan and James had great fun climbing and hiding and trying to get lost. The rocks are brilliant for climbing on, it's as though they were created especially with children's feet in mind.
The only negative part of the trip was that 8 million other people also decided to go to The Giant's Causeway last weekend. It was bunged with tourists. But then again, they probably also looked at us and said "Ugh. Tourists. How awful".
James and Rowan hiding
James, Rowan, Leo, Louise


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